
Quaternary is a game about gender, multi-partner relationships, and an industrializing society. Set in an alternate history Victorian England, Quaternary investigates how gender roles and relationships adapt to a rapidly changing society. Players will be guided through a process of collectively world-building gender norms, then they will play as young Victorian debutantes at a courtship ball in the society they have helped to create.

Finding members of the other three genders for a marriage can be quite a challenge for a young person, especially with the social upheaval of the recent technological boom. In the past, the traditional courtship dances provided a way for marriageable youths to get to know each other, with the hand holds of the dance serving as a safe, socially acceptable way of trying out compatibility with prospective marriage partners. And now, they are making a comeback. Come to the courtship ball, and enjoy the romance of the dance.

Quaternary was created with permission from the original authors of Pod Dancing. It has extensive changes from the original in order to suit the preferences of Nordic larpers, but larpers from anywhere might enjoy it.

Content notes: gender stereotyping, religion, shame and repression of sexuality, strict enforcement of gender norms, oppressive class systems.

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July Pilowsky
July Pilowsky
he / she / they